Charging and Remissions
Commercial Lettings
Our premises are not currently let to any organisation on a commercial basis. We do not have a scale of charges for lettings as this is not required. Should the Head and Governors decide at a future date to let the premises, an appropriate policy will be formulated.
3.20-5.45pm and Play Plus
The school is used for extended, enrichment activities which are run exclusively for the benefit of Thomas Jones' pupils. There is a charge for pupils who attend the Play Plus initiative. Please see the Charging and Remissions Policy link below for information.
Educational Visits
When classes venture out on educational visits, the school may have to pay an admission fee and/or transport costs. Where possible it is our policy to use public transport. Buses are free for pupils and the tube can be pre-booked for no charge under the Transport for London school scheme. If necessary, community mini-buses or a coach are hired and any admission fees are equitably divided amongst the number of pupils who are in attendance. Parents and carers then are invited to make voluntary contributions to cover costs. The latter may be waived at the discretion the school’s senior leadership team.
Residential School Journeys
Residential visits are rigorously budgeted for and the total cost split between the total number of participants. An amount is always budgeted in April, specifically to safeguard equity. Should any parent/carer experience financial hardship in paying the total amount and are in receipt of income support, they may be offered assistance by the school in paying for the above.
For our full Charging and Remissions Policy, please click the link in the right hand column.