
Harvest 2024

‘Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease’ - John Keats - To Autumn

Year 6 Black and Blue Project

Thomas Jones was selected to be one of the Year 6 classes to take part in ‘Black and Blue’ sessions with Paul Canoville, Chelsea’s first black footballer who became a  addict following the premature end to his football career.

A Journey through Jazz

Jazz musicians from the Royal College of Music led an engaging workshop with Year 4 earlier this week, introducing them to various jazz instruments and styles.

Time to Say Farewell

‘We’re off to see the world, there’s such a lot world to see, moon river, wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style, someday’ -

History Club Trip

The History Club ventured into the City of London to visit London’s Roman Amphitheatre and The City Wall at Vine Street as we have been researching a timeline of London.

Hyde Park Visit

To support their understanding of habitats, food chains and plants in their local area, Year 2 visited Hyde Park for the day.


Weekly yoga sessions are a fundamental part of our enrichment programme.

Isle of Wight

To mark the end of their SATs tests, and an annual Thomas Jones tradition, Year 6 scholars ventured to the Isle of Wight for four days and three nights.

Along The Amazon

Last week Year 5 performed a visual delight to families dressed as birds, butterflies, plants and even a poison dart frog, all as part of their class assembly.

RSPCA Fundraiser

To thank the RSPCA for supporting the school when one of our foxes was injured earlier this month, we held a fundraiser on the 9th February.