
Time to Say Farewell

‘We’re off to see the world, there’s such a lot world to see, moon river, wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style, someday’ -

History Club Trip

The History Club ventured into the City of London to visit London’s Roman Amphitheatre and The City Wall at Vine Street as we have been researching a timeline of London.

Hyde Park Visit

To support their understanding of habitats, food chains and plants in their local area, Year 2 visited Hyde Park for the day.


Weekly yoga sessions are a fundamental part of our enrichment programme.

Isle of Wight

To mark the end of their SATs tests, and an annual Thomas Jones tradition, Year 6 scholars ventured to the Isle of Wight for four days and three nights.

Along The Amazon

Last week Year 5 performed a visual delight to families dressed as birds, butterflies, plants and even a poison dart frog, all as part of their class assembly.

Art Workshops

Thomas Jones was lucky enough to receive a grant towards our art curriculum. All classes have been taking part in a printing workshop based around the theme of Kindness to Animals, Ourselves and Others.

RSPCA Fundraiser

To thank the RSPCA for supporting the school when one of our foxes was injured earlier this month, we held a fundraiser on the 9th February.

Food Chains and Ecosystems

Last week, the Year 4 scholars excelled in an inventive and language-rich depiction of our fragile eco-system. The staging, costumes and face paints were exacting.

Respect Workshops

This week children enjoyed a visit from Simone Torrey (Education Officer for the local authority) who undertook interactive class workshops across the school, where children explored their understanding of mutual respect and tolerance.

Black History Month

The whole school Black History Month project organised by history leader Ms Kiley, inspired children to research the Empire Windrush as part of the 75 year anniversary.

Harvest Contributions

Last half term councillors from across the school took it in turns to accompany Ms Polly Holmes to Thomas Darby Court Sheltered Housing delivering the many contributions for Harvest Festival.