Religious Education Trip
Last week, Year 5 visited the New West End Synagogue as part of their current RE topic, Judaism.
Immersive Experiences
Year 2 ventured to the Khalsa Jatha earlier this week. Established in 1908, it was the first Gurdwara in Europe.
Ding Dong! Merrily on High
The Thomas Jones KS2 choir ventured to Portobello Road to share their Christmas Carols and songs with the public.
Christmas 2024
Last week saw two wonderful Carol Concerts take place in front of a packed audience.
Quadratic Equations, Algebra and Tenacity
Earlier this week, pupils took part in the UK’s annual Mathematics Challenge. It is no exaggeration to say that they excelled, with one child gaining an impressive 100%.
Thomas Jones Top-of-the-League!
The KS2 boys football team won a match on Wednesday 20th November against Colville (7-6) and are now borough champions. Well done!
Thank you to children and families for raising £220 for prostate cancer last week.
Electric Performance
Year 4 scholars excelled in an inventive and language-rich depiction of electricity.
Generous Donation
Many thanks to local business and now long-term friend of the school Lords Builders Merchants for making a generous annual donation earlier this week.
Ragged School
Last week, our Year 6 students stepped back in time to the 1880s on their visit to the Ragged School Museum. Led by the charismatic Victorian teacher, Miss Perkins, the day revolved around an authentic Victorian lesson in the museum's beautifully preserved Victorian classroom.
Messy Play!
In the Early Years, we enjoy learning through messy play!
Cake Sale Success
Many thanks to those of you who contributed to a successful cake sale last week.
Harvest 2024
‘Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease’ - John Keats - To Autumn
Year 6 Black and Blue Project
Thomas Jones was selected to be one of the Year 6 classes to take part in ‘Black and Blue’ sessions with Paul Canoville, Chelsea’s first black footballer who became a addict following the premature end to his football career.
School Wide Art Initiative
This term, all children across the school are taking part in a clay workshop with local artists.
A Journey through Jazz
Jazz musicians from the Royal College of Music led an engaging workshop with Year 4 earlier this week, introducing them to various jazz instruments and styles.
Interactive History
Last week, Year 5 ventured back to 1939 and transformed into World War Two child evacuees.
Effusive Return
‘See, they return’
Time to Say Farewell
‘We’re off to see the world, there’s such a lot world to see, moon river, wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style, someday’ -
Saatchi Gallery Displays Thomas Jones Artwork
During the spring term all children took part in a printing workshop with a local artist.
Election Day at Thomas Jones
As part of learning about the 2024 General Election, Year 5 held their own mock elections in school last Thursday.
Summer Time Fundraising
Last Friday saw the return of the Thomas Jones Cake Sale alongside a newer venture - the Key Stage One Tea Party.
The Bees are a Buzzing!
Earlier this week, Year 2 children had the opportunity to see honey being extracted from the honeycomb in our bee hives.
History Club Trip
The History Club ventured into the City of London to visit London’s Roman Amphitheatre and The City Wall at Vine Street as we have been researching a timeline of London.
Hyde Park Visit
To support their understanding of habitats, food chains and plants in their local area, Year 2 visited Hyde Park for the day.
We Remember
Weekly yoga sessions are a fundamental part of our enrichment programme.
Never Too Early to Start
Early Morning Booster Classes are a regular occurrence at Thomas Jones.
Isle of Wight
To mark the end of their SATs tests, and an annual Thomas Jones tradition, Year 6 scholars ventured to the Isle of Wight for four days and three nights.
Renowned Entomologist
World renowned entomologist, Dino Martins and Cllr Catherine Faulks visited on Friday 26th April.