Emotional Health and Wellbeing

'Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.'

World Health Organisation - 2018

At Thomas Jones, we prioritise the emotional wellbeing of our pupils and community. We know that for our children to reach their potential, they need to feel safe, happy, cared for and confident. Positive relationships amongst pupils and adults are rooted in mutual respect and our mantra of being ‘kind and friendly’. Mental health is given equal status to physical health at Thomas Jones and we work in close partnership with outside agencies, including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), the Educational Psychology Team and a Play Therapist to ensure the best outcomes for our children. Melissa Kiley is the Mental Health Lead Teacher.

Our Emotional Health and Wellbeing Intent

  • To utilise a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing and to ensure a common language is used and understood.
  • To teach children how to maintain good mental health, coping strategies and how to self-regulate through our Personal Development curriculum, circle time and whole school assemblies.
  • To make the connection between good physical health and good mental health.
  • To ensure children know how to use the internet safely through our computing curriculum and to know what to do if they feel concerned.
  • To raise awareness through emails and informative workshops for pupils, staff and parents.
  • To listen to our pupils by means of questionnaires and the School Council and respond to their needs and concerns
  • Working in partnership with parents/carers where there are concerns about mental health
  • To signpost sources of external help and advice
  • Recognising the importance of staff mental health and wellbeing and model healthy attitudes and habits.

School Council:

We recognise that Pupil Voice is important for emotional wellbeing and our elected School Council is made up of representatives from each class who meet regularly and discuss current local or global issues, school improvements and ways to support the wider community such as fund raising opportunities. For more details, please visit the School Council pages.

Personal Development:

Health & Wellbeing is an integral part of our PD curriculum. Key skills and attributes are taught throughout the school such as self-confidence and self-regulation. For more details, please refer to our Personal Development curriculum pages.

Useful links

Anna Freud:

anna freud.png



Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service:

Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service logo