Religious Education
Thomas Jones is positioned within a diverse community in West London. Through our Religious Education curriculum we aim to respect the faiths and beliefs of our community and widen our pupil’s understanding of and perspectives on key world religions and beliefs alongside humanism and non-religious beliefs.
At Thomas Jones children are taught about the key world religions and non-faith beliefs and humanism through a concept based, enquiry led curriculum. They learn about the idea of what living a religious life entails. They learn about what a non-religious life looks like too and also that some individuals have a religious belief but may not live a religious life. It is also important for children to understand that individuals following the same religion may lead different religious lives. At Thomas Jones we aim to challenge stereotypes and afford opportunities for children to explore a wide range of scenarios.
Impact is assessed by class teachers at the end of each unit, across year groups and key stages to ensure that children are meeting their age related expectations in RE and are developing in their skills and understanding. End of unit assessments link to the age related expectations for children at each stage.
Progression in Skills and Understanding