Pupil Premium and Pupil Outcomes

The Pupil Premium Grant is awarded to schools for each child who has an entitlement to free school meals (FSM) either currently, or historically at some point during the last six years. The government has provided this grant so that schools can allocate an additional layer of support to address the underlying inequalities that exist between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.


Thomas Jones is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve the highest of academic outcomes and that any disadvantage is addressed as early, quickly and effectively as possible. Analysis of our attainment data shows there has been no disparity between the achievements of pupils per se and children in receipt of the above grant (by the time pupils depart at the end of Year 6) - since 2006. In part, this is because of the way in which funding has traditionally been inventively allocated to various initiatives (see below). Our success in this area is all the more remarkable given the starting point for many pupils - the school’s most recently updated EYFS Context Information Document can be made available upon request.

Broadly, Pupil Premium funding is spent in three ways at Thomas Jones. Significant sums are allocated to specifically enhance learning opportunities (ensuring all disadvantaged pupils have the necessary tutelage to achieve as a minimum the Expected Standard in the core areas of reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Key Stage 2). Monies are also used to guarantee that the all pupils play a full and active part in the life of the school and to remove any differences that might occur as a result of financial constraint. The Premium is directed too, to ensure that pupils are able to access the full curriculum. Ultimately, all funds, both Pupil Premium, and those from the main school budget, that partially supplement these, are utilised to promote equity of experience.

Whilst this grant is allocated in line with the financial year, we measure impact from December to December. The Pupil Premium Strategy (see below) is reviewed annually, with the next review scheduled for December 2025.

Pupil Premium (and Supplementary) Spending 2024/2025

Thomas Jones has been allocated £127,980 of Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Plus Funding in 2024/2025 to provide support to 85 pupils (£1,480/£2,570 per pupil). Details of how the school will allocate this funding can be found in our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25 and Review of Spending 2023-24.

Pupil Premium (and Supplementary) Spending 2023/2024

Thomas Jones has been allocated £132,025 of Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Plus Funding in 2023/2024 to provide support to 90 pupils (£1,455/£2,530 per pupil). Details of how the school will allocate this funding can be found in our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24 and Review of Spending 2022-23

Outcomes for Pupils in Receipt of the Pupil Premium

At Thomas Jones, all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, make outstanding progress as they move through the school. Our disadvantaged pupils out-perform non-disadvantaged pupils nationally by the end of their time at Thomas Jones.

Analysis conducted by the school based on Perspective Lite, Local Authority data, and the schools’ own data shows a familiar pattern of achievement by disadvantaged pupils. Detailed outcomes for disadvantaged pupils can be found in the Pupil Premium Outcomes Report 2023-24 in the right hand column.