Home School Agreement
As part of the tripartite relationship between child, parent/carer and school, we ask all families to read, sign and return to us the Home School Agreement. Please download the PDF from the Resources box for the signable document.
Teaching and learning
All children should receive the highest possible standard of teaching in order for them to progress as learners and reach their full potential.
The school agrees to
- Teach English and Mathematics every day, emphasising these core subjects
- Place particular emphasis on spoken Standard English consistently throughout the school day
- Provide a curriculum that excites, motivates and challenges all children
- Monitor and track pupil progress regularly to ensure all children are achieving and have the support they need
Parent(s)/carer(s) agree to
- Be an active part of their child’s education, taking an interest and supporting them at home
- Take on board advice from teachers and act upon recommendations for learning at home
- Positively support the school’s ethos of high expectations for all children
The child agrees to
- Have a positive attitude to school and their learning
- Always try their best in everything they do
- Complete their learning
Behaviour and attitude
Positive behaviour is integral for quality learning to take place and ensures everyone feels happy and safe at school.
The school agrees to
- Adhere to the school’s positive behaviour policy and ensure parents/carers have access to this
- Have a set of school aims and values which create a safe and caring environment for everyone
- Consistently implement the school aims and values including sanctions and rewards
- Consistently model appropriate behaviour to all children and other adults
- Ensure all children and staff treat each other with respect
- Promptly deal with any incidents of negative behaviour fairly and thoroughly and when appropriate, contact parents/carers to keep them informed
- Play an active, equal role in the tripartite relationship
Parent(s)/carer(s) agree to
- Support the school’s positive behaviour policy
- Give praise at home for good behaviour and attitude at school
- When necessary, collaborate with the school to find solutions to cases of unacceptable behaviour or long-term behavioural difficulties
- Always conduct themselves in an appropriate fashion when in and around the school
- Treat all staff with respect
- Ensure their child wears full school uniform at all times including PE kit
- Refrain from approaching other parents and children to resolve an issue, trusting staff to do so on their behalf
- Play an active, equal role in the tripartite relationship
The child agrees to
- Be kind and friendly
- Behave positively and follow the school aims and values
- Follow any class specific behaviour systems positively
- Show respect to all adults and peers within the school community
- Listen to others
- Be truthful and take responsibility
- Speak to school staff if they have any ongoing worries about negative behaviour that is affecting them
- Always wear full school uniform
- Bring full PE kit on the necessary day
- Play an active, equal role in the tripartite relationship
Children have the right to learn and parents/carers have a legal responsibility to make sure their children attend school.
The school agrees to
- Promote punctuality and 100% attendance with the children and parents/carers
- Track and monitor children with repeated absence/lateness and contact the parents/carers of these children
- Contact parents/carers of absent children if the reason for absence is unknown
Parent(s)/carer(s) agree to
- Make every effort that their child will attend school every day and on time
- Collect their child from school on time every day
- Inform the school as soon as possible about any absence and the reason for it (prior to the start of the school day where possible)
- Avoid taking children on holiday for any period of time during term time
The child agrees to
- Attend school every day
- Arrive at school on time
Learning at home consolidates key skills learnt at school. It also helps children to form good behavioural patterns for life.
The school agrees to
- Set regular homework with a volume appropriate to the child’s age
- Challenge children with the homework content
- Listen to parents/carers with any concerns about homework
- Support parents/carers where necessary to then support their child with homework
Parent(s)/carer(s) agree to
- Encourage and support their child, where necessary
- Ensure all homework is completed on time and returned to school
- Encourage their child to read every day, ideally listening to them read
- Promptly speak to their child’s class teacher if any homework concerns arise
The child agrees to
- Complete all homework set and return it to school on time
- Read every day
Good communication between home and school is at the heart of the Thomas Jones ethos.
The school agrees to
- Keep parents/carers informed about their child’s progress, development and behaviour as well as school news
- Inform parents/carers every term about what their child is learning
- Organise parent/carer meetings to discuss children’s progress
- Make time to meet with parents/carers outside of scheduled meetings if needed
- Always listen to parent/carer concerns and aim to resolve any concerns promptly
- Let parents/carers know early on if there are any concerns or problems that affect their child’s learning or behaviour
- Offer opportunities for parents/carers to become involved in school life
Parent(s)/carer(s) agree to
- Promptly inform the school about anything that may affect their child’s learning, behaviour, health or emotional needs
- Attend parent/teacher meetings to discuss their child’s progress
- Raise any concerns promptly and directly with the school
The child agrees to
- Ensure their parents/carers receive letters from school and talk about important events/information
- Talk with parents/carers and teachers about any school related worries that may arise