Early Years Foundation Stage

Exploring and developing ideas

  • With support, ask and answer questions to develop ideas
  • Enjoy exploring a wide range of materials, media and tools to make and create

Evaluating and developing learning

  • With support, say what they like/don’t like when looking at works of art
  • Look at and talk about what they have produced
  • With support, describe simple techniques and media used

Great artists, architects and designers in history

  • With support, look and talk about works of art/architecture, artists or styles of art in age-appropriate ways
  • With support, begin to express thoughts and feelings about a work of art


  • Begin to produce lines of different thickness and tone using a variety of mark-making tools
  • Enjoy drawing and mark-making on a range of different surfaces e.g. colour paper, card, whiteboard, chalkboard


  • Enjoy using a variety of tools to explore painting in different ways e.g. brushes, sponges, fingers and natural materials
  • Paint on different surfaces e.g. paper, fabric, natural and man-made materials
  • With support, recognise and name the primary colours
  • Begin to mix more than one colour together, using a brush or fingers


  • Enjoy taking rubbings using crayon e.g. leaf, brick, coin and wood
  • Begin to explore printing with a range of hard and soft materials e.g. cork, sponges, fruit
  • Enjoy using stencils to create shapes, patterns and pictures


  • Explore picture making using a wide variety of collage media, including magazines, newspapers, photocopied materials and papers that have been cut and torn
  • Explore materials, handling, feeling and enjoying texture


  • Begin to explore weaving and threading techniques using threading, lacing and weaving boards
  • With support, begin to match and group materials based on their colour or texture

N.B. Textiles appears only once as a unit of learning in art at Thomas Jones, as it is predominately taught within the remit of Design Technology. Each year group will be taught one textiles unit per year, as part of Design Technology.


  • Begin to manipulate and explore modelling materials (clay, playdough, salt dough) in a variety of ways e.g. rolling, kneading and shaping
  • Experiment with constructing and joining recycled, natural and man-made materials
  • Explore shape and form