Upper Key Stage 2

Information technology

Year 5

  • Can use software effectively to create, design and manipulate for purposeful outcomes, such as DT, art or music projects.
  • Can combine resources from different sources into a digital presentation, showing clear sense of intended purpose and 'audience'.
  • Can save and retrieve work from various electronic folders on network (and controlled online environments where relevant).

Year 6

  • Can use software effectively to create, design and manipulate for purposeful outcomes, such as DT, art or music projects.
  • Can combine resources from different sources into a digital presentation, evaluate it, and show clearly intended purpose and 'audience'
  • Can be discerning and find valid information using sensible key words / search terms, from a range of online web content, as fits the task. 
  • Can save and retrieve work from various electronic folders on network (and controlled online environments where relevant).

Computer science

Year 5

  • Can test, debug and edit a program that accomplishes a given goal, (simple computer 'game' or model or simulation), to solve a problem.
  • Can create an accurate program to accomplish a given goal, including the use of repetition (loops), selection (IF/ELSE) and variables.
  • Can use logical reasoning to   deconstruct programs, evaluate their effectiveness and make them more challenging and / or 'elegant' / efficient.
  • Can use different types of input options and output options such as through sensing and control 'kits' and/or software, to solve a problem.
  • Has an understanding of computer networks (local, internet services and WWW).
  • Developing and using a wider computing 'vocabulary' in context of task, such as search engine, URL, variable, validate, digital footprint, spam, Wiki, etc.

Year 6

  • Can test, debug and edit a program that accomplishes a given goal, (simple computer 'game' or model or simulation), to solve a problem.
  • Developing and using a wider computing 'vocabulary' in context of task, such as search engine, URL, HTML, https, variable, validate, digital footprint, etc.

Digital Literacy

Year 5

  • Can talk about key online safety 'rules', knows what may be unacceptable behaviour, and knows where to go / report if a problem.
  • Can demonstrate 'web-savvy' awareness, from a range of given scenarios, including conduct, contact and content 'risks' and issues. 
  • Can communicate and collaborate online (such as in MLE blog/Wiki /forum), demonstrating respectful and safe behaviours.
  • Understands some simple steps to 'validate' information found on the Web, and appreciates how search results are selected and ranked.

Year 6

  • Can demonstrate 'web-savvy' awareness, from a range of given scenarios, including conduct, contact and content 'risks' and issues. 
  • Can discuss range of eSafety and eSecurity (privacy) issues and knows range of ways to report concerns or inappropriate behaviour.
  • Can check the results of web searches i.e. how useful, relevant, reasonable, valid, accurate, and appreciates how search results are selected & ranked.