Upper Key Stage 2

Under each skill area heading we have listed the skills we will be teaching to your children in upper Key Stage 2.


Year 5

Carrying out research using surveys, interviews, web-based resources, etc.

Work confidently in a range of contexts, e.g. home, school, leisure, industry, wider environment.

Year 6

Identifying the needs, wants, preferences and values of particular individuals and groups.

Explain how particular parts of their products work.


Year 5

Use wider range of materials and components, e.g. textiles, food, mechanical, electrical.

Improved accuracy with learnt skills.

Use techniques that involve a number of steps.

Year 6

Use wider range of materials and components, e.g. textiles, food, mechanical, electrical.

Demonstrate resourcefulness when tackling practical problems.


Year 5

Consider the views of others, including intended users, to improve their work.

Evaluate the manufacture and fitness for purpose of their products as they design and make.

Explore: how much products cost to make, how sustainable the materials are.

Year 6

Critically evaluate the quality of design, manufacture and fitness for purpose of their products as they design and make.

Explore: how innovative the products are, what impact they have beyond their intended purpose.

Technical Knowledge - Cooking and Nutrition

Year 5

To plan a healthy meal and a day’s meal plan independently.

To understand how to plan a meal while using a budget.

To use knowledge of the Eatwell guide to ensure meals have all the foods groups in.

To use recipe books to help find ideas.

To confidentially use a range of equipment such as knives, peelers, graters, blenders independently.

Year 6

To understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet.

To prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques.

To understand seasonality, and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.

To learn the basics of kneading.

Technical Knowledge - Textiles

Year 5

Show a developed awareness of different fabrics and textiles, including the potential uses of given materials.

Cut and shape fabric, with increasing accuracy and independence.

With support, begin to experiment with applique and embroidery techniques.

Experiment using batik techniques to decorate different fabrics and textiles using more than one colour.

Year 6

Show a developed awareness of different fabrics and textiles, making decisions as to their use in a given project.

With confidence, thread different grades of needles using a variety of threads.

Creatively use a number of different taught stitches to produce different patterns, designs and textures, following a plan or design.

Cut and shape fabric, following more complex patterns or designs.

Gather, pad and quilt fabric and textiles.

Design, plan and decorate a final artwork/outcome, demonstrating experience in combining taught techniques.

Experiment with applique and embroidery techniques, working directly onto fabric.

Work collaboratively on a large scale.

Technical Knowledge - Electrics

Year 5

To learn how to make a circuit.

To learn how to work together to solve problems.