Year 1
Locational knowledge
Location, scale
- Continent; country; ocean
- Seven continents and five oceans
- Equator
- North and South Poles
- To know what a map is for
- Knowledge of different types of maps which can show different information
- Maps can be 3-D or 2-D. More information can be shown on a 2-D map
- To learn and use simple locational and directional language
- Scaling - initial conceptual understanding (to know that a map is much, much smaller than the real thing)
- To know what the different colours show when one looks at the earth from space
- Knowledge of the four compass points
- To know that symbols represent features on a map and that a key shows what the symbols represent
- To understand that things can be looked at from ground level, from an oblique angle, or from directly above – and this changes how they look
Place knowledge
Space, place, interconnections
- To know about where the hottest and coldest areas of the world are
Human and physical geography
Human and physical geography, cultural awareness and diversity
- To understand what human and physical features are
- To know what a landmark is
- Geographical vocabulary: beach; cliff; coast; forest; hill; mountain; sea; river; soil; valley; vegetation; port; ocean; continent; country; season and weather
The environment
Physical and human processes, environmental impact and sustainability
- To understand why some locations are better suited than others for siting a building
- Knowledge of how symbols are used to explain the weather
Data and maps
Observation, collecting data, analysing data, communicating about data, using sources of geographical information, interpreting sources of geographical information, communicating information in a variety of ways, making meaning by using specific and precise geographical vocabulary
- To be able to create a simple map
- To be able to follow a simple map
- To use symbols to represent features on a map
- To create a simple key; to be able to ‘read’ a simple key
- To recognize features on aerial photographs, knowing what they are
- To categorize different types of maps.
- To make informed choices about the suitability of a location.
- To collect simple data (about weather)
- To communicate information (a flight route), explaining thinking.