Year 4
Locational knowledge
Location, scale
- Further knowledge of the location of European countries and their mountain ranges, rivers, seas.
- Knowledge of the regions and counties of England
- Knowledge of where some volcanoes are located
- Knowledge of where the USA is
- An introduction to lines of latitude and longitude
Place knowledge
Space, place, interconnections
- Knowledge about some of the countries in Europe and their main physical features
- Exploring features of an alternative environment to their own
Human and physical geography
Human and physical geography, cultural awareness and diversity
- A significant increase in geographical vocabulary
- Knowledge of the names of different physical geographical processes that reshape the landscape.
- Knowledge of the four layers of the earth, the earth’s plates, fault lines, Ring of Fire, earthquakes and volcanoes.
- Knowledge of the water cycle and life cycle of a river
The environment
Physical and human processes, environmental impact and sustainability
- A basic understanding of sustainability and climate change and how to look after the planet
- Initial understanding of the concept of ‘responsible tourism’
- An understanding of what sea level means and an appreciation of the implications of a rise in sea level
- How flooding can be prevented
- A basic understanding of what the greenhouse effect is and fossil fuels
- Knowledge about plastic pollution including microplastics
Data and maps
Observation, collecting data, analysing data, communicating about data, using sources of geographical information, interpreting sources of geographical information, communicating information in a variety of ways, making meaning by using specific and precise geographical vocabulary
- Developing their ability to read information from a map
- Labelling and creating geographic diagrams
- Interpreting and representing information about weather in table and graph form
- The skills of seeing the pros and cons of a situation and comparing and contrasting
- The skills of evaluating features of an alternative environment to their own and expressing views about those features.
- The skill of carrying out a simple geographical enquiry
- The ability to use reasoning to reach conclusions about ‘geographical problems’ and suggest solutions