Key stage 1

Listening and Appraising

National Curriculum Objectives

  • listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music

Year 1


  • Listen to a range of different musical genres, reflecting and saying how it makes people feel, act and move.
  • Respond to different composers and discuss different genres of music.

Year 2


  • Through listening to a range of different musical genres, understand and notice how music can be used to create different moods and effects and to communicate ideas.
  • Sort composers into different genres and instruments into different types.


National Curriculum Objectives

  • Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes
  • Play tuned and un tuned instruments musically

Year 1


  • Explore the use of the voice in different ways such as speaking, singing and chanting.
  • Discover how the voice can produce rhythm and pulse, and high and low pitch to create different effects.
  • Find out how to sing with expression, confidence and creativity to an audience.


  • Repeat and investigate simple beats and rhythms using instruments.
  • Learn to play sounds linking with symbols such as pictures and shapes.
  • Play instruments showing an awareness of others.
  • Understand how to play an instrument with care and attention.

Year 2


  • Sing with a sense of the shape of a melody.
  • Speak chants and rhymes with fluency and confidence.
  • Improvise in making sounds with the voice.
  • Perform songs using creativity and expression and create Dramatic effect.


  • Perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping to a steady pulse.
  • Control playing a musical instrument so that they sound as they should.


National Curriculum Objectives

  • experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter related dimensions of music.

Year 1


  • Create a sequence of long and short sounds, including clapping longer rhythms.
  • Investigate making sounds that are very different (loud and quiet, high and low etc).
  • Improvise using simple rhythms and pitches (C, D, E).


  • Learn how the notes of the composition can be written down and changed if necessary. This can be done using graphic scores or rhythm charts.

Year 2


  • Choose carefully and order sounds into a beginning, middle and end.
  • Use sounds expressively and to create an effect through: musical patterns, changes in pitch, long and short sounds, volume etc.
  • Begin to evaluate own musical creations.
  • Improvise using simple rhythms and pitches (C, D, F, G)


    • To use symbols to represent sounds
    • To make connections between notations and musical sounds
    • Recognise and explore how sounds can be organised with reference to minim, crotchet and quaver note values.

    Elements of music

    Years 1 and 2

    Main focus

    • Pulse
    • Rhythm
    • Pitch


    • Dynamics
    • Tempo
    • Structure

    Vocabulary Progression

    Year 1

    Pulse, rhythm, pitch, rap, improvise, compose, melody, bass guitar, drums, decks, perform, singers, keyboard, percussion, trumpets, saxophones, Blues, Baroque, Latin, Irish Folk, Funk, pulse, rhythm, pitch, groove, audience, imagination.

    Year 2

    Keyboard, drums, bass, electric guitar, saxophone, trumpet, pulse, rhythm, pitch, improvise, compose, audience, question and answer, melody, dynamics, tempo,
    perform/performance, audience, rap, Reggae, glockenspiel.