Lower key stage 2
Key vocabulary
Balance, posture, 360 degree turn, Body weight, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical , Poise, Unison Fluent, Refine, Flow, Canon, Dynamics, Counter tension, Synchronization, Mirroring
Year 4
- Know what body conditioning means and why gymnasts need to condition their bodies to be able to perform their routines.
- Understand how to perform different balances that look good aesthetically.
- Be able to create a basic sequence using the balances learnt in the lessons.
- Know the different ways of travelling in gymnastics, understand why we need to use them and use them in routines.
- Know the difference between counter balance, and counter tension.
- Understand how we can create effective counter and supported balances with our partners.
- Able to incorporate different counter balances into our routines.
Key vocabulary
Dance, Timing, Perform, Beat, Creative, Speed, Level, Rhythm, Direction
Year 3
- Show good timing, control, posture and extension
- Show changes in level and pathway
- Perform a group and solo dance that are controlled and coordinated
- Perform routines with good timing and controlled posture and extension
- Perform using canon and changes in formation in solo, paired and group routines.
Tag rugby
Key vocabulary
Pass, Dodge, Intercept
Year 3
- To be able to complete a successful pass to our teammates with good technique.
- To know why it is important to be able to get around an opponent.
- To pass a ball to a partner when we are running.
- To be able to use all the skills we have learnt over the term – to play a range of tag rugby match based activities.
Year 4
- To understand what we need to do to effectively dodge an opponent.
- To be able to complete a basic dodging movement effectively against a static opponent.
- To know how we pass a ball to a partner when we are running.
- To understand when we should pass the ball to a teammate when against an opponent.
- To be able to effectively pass the ball to a partner whilst moving against an opponent before getting tagged.
Key vocabulary
Consistent, Volley, Stance, Forehand, Backhand, Opponent, Intercept
Year 3
- To continue developing technical aspects of different shots
- To continue developing an awareness of where the ball is and moving towards the ball to hit it
- To begin hitting with a partner trying to form little rallies
- To further understand the rules of tennis and begin playing by them
Key vocabulary
Travel, Throw, Jump, Height, Speed, Direction, Sprint, Run up, Distance, Control, Timing, Accuracy, React
Year 3
- Demonstrate basic stamina
- Sustain physical exertion over time
- Demonstrate a good sprinting technique
- Notice their improvements and progress
Year 4
- Use the correct technique to start a sprint
- Combine sprinting with low hurdles
- Jump hurdles consistently with control
- Throw overarm with accuracy
- Throw underarm with accuracy
Key vocabulary
Pass, Receive, Goal shooter, Goal attack, Wing attack, Centre, Wing defence, Goal defence, Goal keeper
Year 3
- Being able to pass, catch, and recognise the open gates
- Begin to pass while under pressure
- Introducing positions to children and knowing where each player can and cannot move.
Year 4
- Improving passing and catching skills.
- Using more power and accuracy in passes.
- To understand how to use a bounce pass.
- Improving our passing while under pressure.
- Improve understanding of the rules of netball and the positions.
- Introduce dribbling
Key vocabulary
Pass, Receive, Dribbling, Push pass, Slap pass, Hit
Year 3
- Know how to correctly hold a hockey stick and the different types of dribbling.
- Know how to pass and receive the ball in hockey.
- Able to make accurate passes over a short distance to teammates whilst stationary.
- Know the basic types of tackling in hockey and able to attempt a tackle using the correct technique.
- Know why it is important to be able to pass whilst moving.
- Able to make an attempt at passing to someone whilst moving - may not be accurate.
- Know how to shoot in Hockey and be able to have an accurate attempt at shooting - may lack sufficient power.
- Know the key rules of hockey.
Year 4
- Understand when we might use different dribbling styles in a hockey match.
- Able to successfully dribble the ball in at least one style using correct technique.
- Are able to apply correct technique to all their passes whilst stationary.
- Able to make accurate passes to teammates.
- Understand what the correct technique is for each type of tackle.
- Able to successfully perform one type of tackle on an attacker.
- Understand what we might need to differently to execute passes whilst moving
- Able to pass to someone whilst moving may lack accuracy.
- Know how to shoot in Hockey.
- Understand the different tactics we need to try and use when shooting.
Key vocabulary
Bat, Over arm, Under arm, Bowl, Power, Accuracy, Speed
Year 4
- To know how to hold a cricket bat correctly
- To know the technique to hit a ball in cricket
- To know the correct way to throw and catch a ball in cricket – over arm and under arm
- To begin to learn how to bowl
- To understand the basic rules in cricket
Year 4
- Communicate effectively with teammates
- Work as a team to solve a problem
- Follow the rules of an activity
- Navigate around an area by following directions
- Use a map to follow directions
Year 4
- Swim 10 meters on front and back