Upper key stage 2
Key vocabulary
Balance, posture, 360 degree turn, Body weight, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical , Poise, Unison Fluent, Refine, Flow, Canon, Dynamics, Counter tension, Synchronization, Mirroring
Year 6
- Perform sequences that include travelling over and under a partner
- Use apparatus to create fluent and controlled sequences
- Improve and refine sequences ensuring clear start and finishing positions
- Perform routines to a consistent count to ensure flow
- Intersperse moves in canon and in unison
- Demonstrate different dynamics (changes of level, speed and direction)
- Hold highly controlled balances (counter and counter tension) on a variety of points and patches
- Perform a small group sequence using synchronisation; unison, canon or mirroring.
Key vocabulary
Dance, Timing, Perform, Beat, Creative, Speed, Level, Rhythm, Direction
Year 5
- Perform a motif in unison
- Show excellent timing during level/pathway/directional changes
- Use chance choreography
- Perform a controlled and highly coordinated dance solo, in pairs and in a group.
- Show use of canon, unison, and mirror image and changed in formation level and direction with good control.
- Improve performances based on feedback given
Key vocabulary
Consistent, Volley, Stance, Forehand, Backhand, Opponent, Intercept
Year 5
- To be able to switch shots with greater control and ease.
- To develop spatial awareness on court - where are good areas to be in; where aren’t
- To be able to hold longer rallies with our partners
- To constantly be aware of the rules and be able to apply them when playing matches
Key vocabulary
Travel, Throw, Jump, Height, Speed, Direction, Sprint, Run up, Distance, Control, Timing, Accuracy, React
Year 5
- Sustain pace over longer distances when running
- Use an overarm and underarm throw with control and good accuracy
- Perform a triple jump
- Complete relay changeover skills
Year 6
- Understand the importance and benefits of physical activity
- Sustain stamina for longer periods of time
- Completes aerobic activities/exercises
- Investigate footwork and techniques when running
Key vocabulary
Pass, Receive, Goal shooter, Goal attack, Wing attack, Centre, Wing defence, Goal defence, Goal keeper
Year 5
- Improve on our passing skills and be aware of movement off the ball.
- Using different techniques and sticking with what works best for me
- To further develop our awareness of space and what it means to be free
- Participate in a 3v3/4v4/5v5 netball match.
Year 6
- To begin understanding the different roles in a netball team
- To utilise and understand man marking when defending
- Continue to develop our passing skills by using different ranges of passing and identifying which pass works best and when.
- Improving passing while under pressure.
- Participate in a 3v3/4v4/5v5 netball match.
- Successfully take part in a Netball match.
Key vocabulary
Pass, Receive, Dribbling, Push pass, Slap pass, Hit
Year 5
- Understand the importance of the skills being looked at, and how they might affect a game situation.
- Able to make accurate passes to teammates using different techniques. Are also able to apply correct receiving techniques when being passed to.
- Understand what the correct technique is for tackling and begin to understand when each tackle should be used.
- Able to successfully perform one type of tackle on an attacker - begin to attempt using a variety.
- Begin to have a smoother transition from dribbling to passing when moving; accurately passing the ball when on the move.
- Understand the different tactics we need to try and use when shooting, and when we might use these.
Year 6
- Can change their dribbling automatically depending on the situation without prompt.
- Able to successfully dribble the ball in a variety of ways - changing between different styles depending on the situation.
- Are able to complete a variety of different passes accurately with a good amount of power.
- Can effectively control the ball when receiving using correct technique.
- Are able to successfully tackle an opponent legally without breaking the rules.
- Attempt to perform legal tackles on opponents actively avoiding them.
- Can transition from dribbling to passing more effectively. Further understanding what happens after the ball is released.
- Able to complete accurate passes to teammates without slowing down.
- Able to take accurate shots on goal, attempting to aim for the corners or harder to reach areas for goalkeepers.
- Are able to make accurate shots on goal whilst moving.
- Utilise all the skills we have learnt over the term in match situations.
Key vocabulary
Bat, Over arm, Under arm, Bowl, Power, Accuracy, Speed
Year 6
- To hit the cricket ball with direction in mind
- To hit the cricket ball with more power.
- To throw with greater power and accuracy
- To bowl with greater power
- To learn some cricket tactics for a game situation
- To play a game of competitive cricket.
Year 6
- Think creatively to solve problems in a team
- Work with a partner to give and follow directions
- Demonstrate strong teamwork with a good level of communication
- Develop and refine orienteering and problem solving skills
- Demonstrate leadership skills
- Organise teams effectively
- Communicates with teammates effectively
Volley ball
Year 5
- To begin getting used to keeping objects off the ground and in the air - on our own and with a partner
- To begin understanding the basic rules of volleyball.
- To identify the different shots in volleyball and practice them with partners - serve/set/dig
- To begin learning when each shot should be used
Year 6
- To further our understanding of volleyball rules
Year 6
- Swim 25 meters in each stroke confidently
- To learn safe self-rescue from a pool