Year 4

At Thomas Jones, our Programme of Study for Personal Development sets out learning opportunities for each key stage across our six core themes. Learning opportunities within each core theme for each year group are organised around one or more key questions. These questions frame each unit of learning. The question provides a ‘hook’ for the children and an opportunity to connect learning throughout the unit. The question is returned to throughout each unit to demonstrate development of the children’s knowledge, understanding and skills. Questions have been carefully sequenced to ensure progression.

Identity and belonging

How diverse is my community?

H25. about personal identity; what contributes to who we are (e.g. ethnicity, family, gender, faith, culture, hobbies, likes/dislikes, disability)

L6. about the different groups that make up their community; what living in a community means

L7. to value the different contributions that people and groups make to the community

L8. about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community; about valuing diversity within communities 

L9. about stereotypes; how they can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others; strategies for challenging stereotypes

R 19. about the impact of bullying, including offline and online, and the consequences of hurtful behaviour

R20. strategies to respond to hurtful behaviour experienced or witnessed, offline and online (including teasing, name-calling, bullying, , harassment or the deliberate excluding of others); how to report concerns and get support


To know what bullying is.

To be able to recognise the differences between bullying and teasing.

To know the different types of bullying.

Feelings, friendship and behaviour

How do we resolve differences and treat each other with respect?

R17. that friendships have ups and downs; strategies to resolve disputes and reconcile differences positively and safely

R18. to recognise if a friendship (online or offline) is making them feel unsafe or uncomfortable; how to manage this and ask for support if necessary

R 30. that personal behaviour can affect other people; to recognise and model respectful behaviour online

R31. to recognise the importance of self-respect and how this can affect their thoughts and feelings about themselves; that everyone, including them, should expect to be treated politely and with respect by others (including when online and/or anonymous) in school and in wider society; strategies to improve or support courteous, respectful relationships

How can I have a healthy relationship with my family?

R6. that a feature of positive family life is caring relationships; about the different ways in which people care for one another

R7. to recognise and respect that there are different types of family structure (including single parents, same-sex parents, step-parents, blended families, foster parents); that families of all types can give family members love, security and stability

R8. to recognise other shared characteristics of healthy family life, including commitment, care, spending time together; being there for each other in times of difficulty

R9. how to recognise if family relationships are making them feel unhappy or unsafe, and how to seek help or advice

Health and wellbeing

How will my body change as I develop?

H31. About the physical and emotional changes that happen when approaching and during puberty (introduction to this with H31 followed up fully in Yr 5/6)

H32. about how hygiene routines change during the time of puberty, the importance of keeping clean and how to maintain personal hygiene

How do I develop healthy habits?

H1. how to make informed decisions about health

H4. how to recognise that habits can have both positive and negative effects on a healthy lifestyle

H6. about what constitutes a healthy diet; how to plan healthy meals; benefits to health and wellbeing of eating nutritionally rich foods; risks associated with not eating a healthy diet including obesity and tooth decay.

H7. how regular (daily/weekly) exercise benefits mental and physical health (e.g. walking or cycling to school, daily active mile); recognise opportunities to be physically active and some of the risks associated with an inactive lifestyle

H8. about how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle; routines that support good quality sleep; the effects of lack of sleep on the body, feelings, behaviour and ability to learn

H9. that bacteria and viruses can affect health; how everyday hygiene routines can limit the spread of infection; the wider importance of personal hygiene and how to maintain it

H15. that mental health, just like physical health, is part of daily life; the importance of taking care of mental health

Safety and risk

How can I manage my own personal safety?

H38. how to predict, assess and manage risk in different situations

R 22. about privacy and personal boundaries; what is appropriate in friendships and wider relationships (including online)

R24. how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts including online) whom they do not know

R25. recognise different types of physical contact; what is acceptable and unacceptable; strategies to respond to unwanted physical contact

R26. about seeking and giving permission (consent) in different situations

R27. about keeping something confidential or secret, when this should (e.g. a birthday surprise that others will find out about) or should not be agreed to, and when it is right to break a confidence or share a secret

R28. how to recognise pressure from others to do something unsafe or that makes them feel uncomfortable and strategies for managing this

R29. where to get advice and report concerns if worried about their own or someone else’s personal safety (including online)

Being a good citizen

What are my rights and responsibilities?

L1. To recognise reasons for rules and laws; consequences of not adhering to rules and laws

L2. to recognise there are human rights, that are there to protect everyone

L3. about the relationship between rights and responsibilities

L4. the importance of having compassion towards others; shared responsibilities we all have for caring for other people and living things; how to show care and concern for others

L5. ways of carrying out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment in school and at home; how everyday choices can affect the environment (e.g. reducing, reusing, recycling; food choices)

L19. that people’s spending decisions can affect others and the environment (e.g. Fair trade, buying single-use plastics, or giving to charity)

R34. how to discuss and debate topical issues, respect other people’s point of view and constructively challenge those they disagree with

TJ1.To work collaboratively towards shared goals.