Year 6
Identity and belonging
How do we challenge stereotypes?
L8. about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community; about valuing diversity within communities
L9. about stereotypes; how they can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others; strategies for challenging stereotypes
L10. about prejudice; how to recognise behaviours/actions which discriminate against others; ways of responding to it if witnessed or experience
H26. that for some people gender identity does not correspond with their biological sex
Feelings, friendship and behaviour
What does the law say about relationships?
R1. to recognise that there are different types of relationships (e.g. friendships, family relationships, romantic relationships, online relationships)
R2. that an individual may be attracted to any other individual emotionally or romantically.
R3. about marriage and civil partnership as a legal declaration of commitment made by two adults who love and care for each other, which is intended to be lifelong
R4. that forcing anyone to marry against their will is a crime; that help and support is available to people who are worried about this for themselves or others (and that this does not refer to arranged marriage)
R5. that people who love and care for each other can be in a committed relationship (e.g. marriage), living together, but may also live apart.
Health and wellbeing
How do I look after my physical and mental health?
H1. how to make informed decisions about health
H2. about the elements of a balanced, healthy lifestyle
H3. about choices that support a healthy lifestyle, and recognise what might influence these
H5. about what good physical health means; how to recognise early signs of physical illness
H15. that mental health, just like physical health, is part of daily life; the importance of taking care of mental health
H16. about strategies and behaviours that support mental health — including how good quality sleep, physical exercise/time outdoors, being involved in community groups, doing things for others, clubs, and activities, hobbies and spending time with family and friends can support mental health and wellbeing
H19. A varied vocabulary to use when talking about feelings; about how to express feelings in different ways
H20 strategies to respond to feelings, including intense or conflicting feelings; how to manage feelings appropriately and proportionately in different situations
H21. to recognise warning signs about mental health and wellbeing and how to seek support for themselves and others
H22. to recognise that anyone can experience mental ill health; that most difficulties can be resolved with help and support; and that it is important to discuss feelings with a trusted adult
H24. problem-solving strategies for dealing with emotions, challenges and change, including the transition to new schools
H29. about how to manage setbacks/perceived failures, including how to re-frame unhelpful thinking
What changes can I expect in puberty?
H31. about the physical and emotional changes that happen when approaching and during puberty
H34. about where to get more information, help and advice about growing and changing, especially about puberty
Safety and risk
How could I provide Emergency or First Aid to somebody else?
H10. how medicines, when used responsibly, contribute to health; that some diseases can be prevented by vaccinations and immunisations; how allergies can be managed
H43. about what is meant by first aid; basic techniques for dealing with common injuries (including bruises, scalds, bleeds (cuts or nose bleeds. Also how to manage asthma attacks, allergic reactions and a person who is coking or unresponsive. For head injuries pupils will be taught to seek adult help and not attempt to move the person)
H44. how to respond and react in an emergency situation; how to identify situations that may require the emergency services; know how to contact them and what to say.
Money and the workplace
How do I choose the right job for me?
H28. To be able to identify personal strengths, skills, achievements and interests and how these contribute to a sense of self-worth
H35. about the new opportunities and responsibilities that increasing independence may bring
L25. to recognise positive things about themselves and their achievements; set goals to help achieve personal outcomes
L26. that there is a broad range of different jobs/careers that people can have; that people often have more than one career/type of job during their life
L27. about stereotypes in the workplace and that a person’s career aspirations should not be limited by them
L28. about what might influence people’s decisions about a job or career (e.g. personal interests and values, family connections to certain trades or businesses, strengths and qualities, ways in which stereotypical assumptions can deter people from aspiring to certain jobs)
L29. that some jobs are paid more than others and money is one factor which may influence a person’s job or career choice; that people may choose to do voluntary work which is unpaid
L30. about some of the skills that will help them in their future careers e.g. teamwork, communication and negotiation
L31. to identify the kind of job that they might like to do when they are older
L32. to recognise a variety of routes into careers (e.g. college, apprenticeship, university)
Being a good citizen
Why do we have rules and laws?
H37. reasons for following and complying with regulations and restrictions (including age restrictions); how they promote personal safety and wellbeing with reference to social media, television programmes, films, games and online gaming
H47. to recognise that there are laws surrounding the use of legal drug and that some drugs are illegal to own, use and give to others
L1. to recognise reasons for rules and laws; consequences of not adhering to rules and laws
L2. to recognise there are human rights, that are there to protect everyone
L3. about the relationship between rights and responsibilities